How to Listen

Install the app

  1. Install a podcast app on your phone (e.g. Google Podcasts on Android or Apple Podcasts on iPhone)
  2. Search for a podcast by name
  3. Click ‘play’
The Google podcast app for Android
The Apple podcast app for iPhone

Listen on the go

The joy of podcasts is that they are built for multi-tasking. You spend enough time in front of a computer.

Take a walk, enjoy a slow lunch, catch up on your laundry… and join the conversation while you’re at it.

Want more, faster? Try playing episodes on 1.5x speed.

Find your tribe

Because it’s so easy to launch a podcast now, there’s something for everyone out there.

Find the niche that resonates for you. Hear conversations from people you can actually relate to. Step away from the vanilla programming of mainstream media.

Find out More

If you’re still unsure where or why to start, here’s a few more resources: